A day of birthday for out 2 little ones! So very excited they are! The day started with a trip to the dentist ok not so bright on my part but that is the way it was. Then on to Mcd's for lunch. A huge deal around here. How funny they were there! Then on to nap to prepare for our fine dining dinner of hot dogs and mac and cheese. She choose the dogs him the mac n cheese. On to presents and no one will ever be able to come close to Andy's enthusiasm! Katie opens hers and takes it all in and then gave us kisses! Our favorite part watching their coming home videos. Always makes me cry. Their birth Moms are always in my heart more heavily this day. They are 2 of a kind. One quite and reserved and the other very energetic and busy! So funny they are and we love them so! Happy Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TWO SWEET, SWEET KIDS!!!! (you are one blessed mom!!)....can't believe Hud will be 5 one month from today!
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