Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday Snapshot- Fall Fun

The smell and sights of fall were in the air this weekend! 

My sisters, Grandma, and I headed out with all the kids for a hayride.  The grown men of our family escaped for a fishing get away weekend.   

We took along a couple little "cowboys" with us.  A little straw to sit on and to chew on was right up their alley.   

After the ride we had some yummy sweets and a fire to warm up by.   

Following along with Sunday Snapshot.  The first photo was taken with my Canon 60 D, 50 mm lens, ISO 1250, Shutter 1/160 f 2.8.  I edited it in CS5 with Florabella Marigold and and a texture. 

Ni Hao Yall

Friday, September 28, 2012

Favorite Friday Photo-Outside

Fall is pretty much here in Colorado. We haven't had a freeze yet but it will be soon. This bush of flowers blooms for a week each year during the fall.  I love the way it  looks like a purple snowball of flowers. 

This weekend will be filled with some Fall activities.  Think of candied apples, hayrides, and of course soccer games.  I am about to start a six month photography class.  It is like being a kid at Christmas time!!!  For six months I hope to take photos and extend myself to what I thought wasn't possible.   

I will be back Sunday will some fall shots ! Have a great weekend!

Following along with Favorite Friday Photo with Lisa. She will be our photography teach for the next six months so you won't want to miss her is beautiful!


the long road

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Snapshot- Obessed

If you need Riley these days this is where he can be found.  He is obsessed shooting as many arrows a day as he can. 

They say Riley is like me. In many ways this is true but I see him loving archery the way Brian does. 

At ten years old he gets tired of my obsession with photography and constant shooting but may the record show he ASKED me for this photo shot! 

For a short amount of time I had time with just him to hear about how much he has learned about archery.  I will never pretend to understand (archery) but I do understand that drive I see in his eyes and love him for that. 

I am following along with Sunday Snapshot. I took this first photos with my 35 mm lens, Canon 60d and edited in Florabella new Colorplay set Brownish action with some reduction of opacity.

f 2.4 shutter 1/252 and ISO 100 

Ni Hao Yall

Friday, September 21, 2012

Favorite Friday Photo- A beautiful afternoon

One of the items on our "bucket" list for summer was to meet up with some dear friends to visit.  So on Sunday we gave them a "call" and headed out to their house.  I would say they have a little "slice" of heaven where they live.   

They have some property that the kids just love. A place to run and play, shot some bows, and play in a tepee. This field is GORGEOUS we  will be back! 

Everywhere I looked there was beauty.  Always comes down to the small touches in life. 

Is this a boys dream or what?? 

Of course the best part is our friends. Two people who really make a difference to people around them. He is a big kid at heart.  What he loves a kid is sure to love so in return they flock to him.

She is such a very sweet and kind woman.  The kids love her calm ways and of course Brianna could not get enough hugs from her!

Following along with Favorite Friday Photo with Lisa.  Hop over to her blog you will love it!

the long road

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wonderful Wednesday

Happy Wednesday!
I had so many photos from our hike just couldn't post all my favorites but this was right up there with them.  I have learned a lot about lines in photography so when I saw Katie making her own lines I could not resist the photo opportunity in front of me!

Have a great rest of the week! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Snapshot- Hiking

A Saturday that was filled with not too much..Yeah for that!  There was time to go on a cub scout hiking trip and we found a ladybug nest in a tree.   

Andy was well packed for this trip...he did tell me he saw the mountains in his binoculars. 

Our four awesome hikers! 

Felt so good to be outside and together.  The colors are starting to change. Not sure we will see all the beauty of years gone past with the dryness of the year but there was some yellow to be found.   

Following along with Stephanie at Sunday Snapshot.
The first photo was taken with my 35 mm lens,  Canon 60d, ISO 100, f 3.4 and 200 ISO. I edited it with the Florabella colorplay action Earth.  This is my first photo with these actions I think I may just love them:) 

Ni Hao Yall

Friday, September 14, 2012

Favorite Friday Photo- Signs of Fall

Fall is coming it seems.  We actually wore long sleeves and socks this week.  With fall comes my squirrel like behavior.  Canning is a lot of work but I convince myself on those really crazy and busy dark nights of winter it will all pay off.

For some reason I love Ball jars and how pretty they are filled. 

Fall also brings Sept 11th. A day to remember, a day my kids don't remember.  It is something to hear the kids talk about what happened on that day and for my heart to remember how it felt during that time. 

With fall also comes the activities for kids.  Ballet was on the list to start this week.  I have three pretty full classes of girls my two being part of the numbers.   

It is fun to see in the girls that come all their dreams of dancing.  I always hope they remember the fun and the way it makes you feel inside. 

Following along with Lisa at Favorite Friday Photo.  You will love her blog so hop on over!


the long road

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Snapshot-The last of the Beach

It has taken me a week but I have now had time to look at my beach photos.  Andy was so exhausted after traveling that the sand just seemed to lure him into an almost nap.  So peaceful...

My Mom and Dad went on this trip with us.  An extra moment of love for Grandma was in order!

I can still hear Brianna laughing on the beach as she did almost the whole time just loving life.

If you don't want to boogie board in the water do it on the sand...much safer:)

Riley was so like his Dad he could not get enough body boarding in.

My Aunt meet us in WA and her and I got a couple of stitches in on that beautiful beach!

Following along with Stephanie on Sunday Snapshot.

First photo was taken with my Canon D60 Shutter 1/1560
ISO 100 f 3.4 and my 35 mm lens
It was so very bright on this day which made it tough. I edited the photo with the saturation in CS5 and some curves.


Ni Hao Yall

Friday, September 7, 2012

A Chapter of Life Finished

Last week we would fly to Seattle to watch Brian graduate from Banking School. This had been a three year program in which he would fly out in the summer to spend time in classes and then work on papers throughout the years.  I loved when I saw this sign written on the steps as I felt that is what a part of this had been for Brian the past years.

After the ceremony we had to have some photos on the the beautiful campus of University of Washington.  It was just full of character and history. 

This had been a big commitment for Brian and I was very proud of him. 

Of course I wasn't the only one who was proud of Brian. Four little people were there to celebrate also.

Following along with Lisa at Favorite Friday Photo.


the long road
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