The number of orphans in the world is more than this mind can comprehend. It is a number that means so many children who have no one to say "I love you" daily to them, tuck them under warm blankets, and teach them the beauty of a being read to. On a weekly basis there are stories that touch my heart to the soul of the most vulnerable among us and my prayers are always with them in mind.
As I feed my kids and really look at how blessed we are and the fact we don't know cold or hungry it seems so unfair that we have so much and these little ones have so little. I don't think that fact will ever escape me, and for that reason I will always long for "just one more".
Adoption also touched my sister's family. That journey held days of sheer pain and at times the lack of hope. A journey that started with news that rocked all our worlds. I now see that the news that tore at our hearts had to happen for one day adoption to be a thought for them and a beautiful baby girl to find a home. It is amazing how all the pieces fit together.
On this Sunday I am praying that the pieces fit together for all those little ones laying in cribs somewhere or the older ones just hoping beyond hope for a family of their own find a way "home". After all isn't that where we all want to be:) |