Railyn asleep on Aunt Teri. Is there anything better than this ? I think not. Ok I know I am crazy about babies...can't help it. Always have been and always will! Kids Rule!
A trip to the pumpkin patch is a an essential for this time year. Never mind that we grew our own it just doesn't thrill the soul of a child as a whole bunch of pumpkins to choose from! And choose they did. Andy and Katie ended up with two white ones and Riley and Brianna the usual orange. We will have to cook one of those whites to taste the difference! It was very cold last weekend so we had to bundle up but everyone had fun. It was fun to be with my two nieces for this trip also. Three three year olds keeps the group hopping...how blessed we hard. Of course we could not do without the leadership of Riley and Brianna!
Big weekend for Mr Andrew. For the 1st time we got to see Andrew drink from a straw. For most of us this is something we take for granted but for Andy this has been hard work. And to see it for the 1st time as his parents was huge. It is hard to make a mouth work in new ways and teach it things that most of us knew as babies. Such a blessing to see his improvements each week!
For my sister we are on a schedule of waiting. Always more waiting and this time to figure out the treatment needed. There are many hard situations she is facing and I am praying that time will heal.
We are super busy with fall and looking for ways to settle down some. The big two are loving soccer and so much fun to watch. Katie is REALLY talking up a storm. I am more than amazed. She loves preschool and it is fun to watch her there:)