Today is the last day of Spring Break. I have to say I have loved it. No schedules. It is funny how busy we really are until we have a week of mostly no obligations. Yesterday brought a lot of snow for us. It is very welcomed since it has been SO dry. We were getting scared for fire season so this should help. We got to take a short trip last weekend to my Aunt and Uncles. They really enjoyed our kids and everyone did fairly well there. You never know what these 4 will come up with. Tomorrow we will finish our week by a trip to my sisters complete with Disney on Ice. They have no idea what they are about to see.:)
Two years ago Katie came home. Up until today I have tried to be a good Mom and keep contact with her foster Mom via snail mail. This last time I wrote her I decided to include our email addresss. Well this morning a true surprise came through ,I got an email from her daughter. They told me how they missed Eun Sol and how her Mother was still keeping babies until they found their forever families. Katie was baby number 46 so you can imagine how that number has grown over these past few years. This message touched my soul. I have been wanting to make that connection easier and it has now happened. We have that connection with Andy's orphange and now Katie has it too. This daugher also found me on facebook and has given me the opporunity to see her and her family through facebook. She has a folder on her site called angels which are pictures of many families and babies they have and had. They are angels the kids and this very special family. I continue to be amazed at how small this world really is!
Our Oldest turned 7 on Friday! I told Brian we weren't old enough to have a 7 year old but that may not be true! Riley at 7 is a great kid. He is becoming more interested in those big boy things. This was the first birthday I really didn't buy what I would consider toys. The kids and I went to his classroom to bring cupcakes. I thought this may embarrass him as he brother threw a huge fit there, but Riley took it in stride and told me it was no big deal! The weekend was filled with our closest friends visit and some boy stuff of shooting off rockets and a trip to Bishops Castle. I think of Riley as that 4lbs 14oz baby we brought home. How much has changed in these past years. Riley told me it was quieter around here when we was a baby. That is a true statement! Brian and I are very proud of him and take these mile marker days to think back on how fast it has gone and how many moments we've had!
Last Friday on Feb 27th we took the bigger kids out of school and headed to our court date to finalize Andy's adoption. It is about a 15 min occasion with a lifetime impact on his life as well as ours. The judges in both Andy and Katie's courts were so great to the kids. Talk about letting them "run" the courtroom. After some paperwork it was time for pictures. A time to remember about how far we have come and all those who have helped get us to this point. For me there is always a sadness for the birth parents that I hope in someway will know we will raise him to the best of our abilities. After court we took the kids to a petting farm. The kids thought this was a lot of fun even though it was a little chilly. How nice we looked going to the farm, us girls in our skirts! Then a long drive home and dinner out to complete the celebration. What fun we had.