Adoption has and always will be so very close and dear to my heart and now my sister and her husband will share in this journey. I was lucky enough to be asked to take some photos for them for their portfolio. How fun was that..thinking couples make very fun photography subjects:)
As anyone who has adopted can tell you the road is filled with twists, turns, and the unexpected. In the end the dream is to have a new little one to kiss and hold (and photograph:) I can't wait and we pray daily it happens soon.
They have so much love to bring to this baby and he or she will be well taken care of.
So now we wait and pray for as we know there are two sides to adoption. I feel it daily and they will too. Praying I get to be an aunt one more time!
Following along with Lisa at The Long Road to China. Look at her blog....there is some information on a great way to give back to the orphans of China for this holiday season!
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