Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Snapshot-The last of the Beach

It has taken me a week but I have now had time to look at my beach photos.  Andy was so exhausted after traveling that the sand just seemed to lure him into an almost nap.  So peaceful...

My Mom and Dad went on this trip with us.  An extra moment of love for Grandma was in order!

I can still hear Brianna laughing on the beach as she did almost the whole time just loving life.

If you don't want to boogie board in the water do it on the sand...much safer:)

Riley was so like his Dad he could not get enough body boarding in.

My Aunt meet us in WA and her and I got a couple of stitches in on that beautiful beach!

Following along with Stephanie on Sunday Snapshot.

First photo was taken with my Canon D60 Shutter 1/1560
ISO 100 f 3.4 and my 35 mm lens
It was so very bright on this day which made it tough. I edited the photo with the saturation in CS5 and some curves.


Ni Hao Yall


tiarastantrums said...

looks like so much fun!

Melissa said...

Oh, I just love that first b/w photo - your perspective is great!

Pieni Lintu said...

Great shots!

Susan said...

Oh my...what a beautiful day at the beach.

Great shots!

Have a blessed Sunday...♥

Unknown said...

It looks like you had a fabulous time at the beach. That last shot cracks me up! Good for you!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Oh I love that surfer pose!!!!!!!!! So cute!!!!!!!!! What a great day at the beach.

© Prichardsix
Graphics for Website Background by Sassy Designs