At this current time there is a fellow Pingliang family that is in China picking up their son who was in the orphange with Andy. There story is amazing and nothing short of a miracle. We have all waited for their little boy to come home and join his best friend, now his sister who was also with him at Pingliang. The fact that both of these kids came from the same orphange is a story within itself. Their story can be found at the website
Tonight we showed Andy pictures and current video of this little boy. Andy's reactions made my insides cry as I saw the excitment in his face. We then went on to show him other children from the orphange and current pictures of them. Once again he started laughing, clapping his hands and just so excited. He is 2 and I am amazed. I always knew I wanted to keep in contact with these families and now I know what an amazing gift this will be for him and us. When we were done he tried to reopen my computer to find them!
A season of miracle if you ask me:)
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