Friday, June 15, 2012

Gotcha Day for Mr Andrew

Look who has been home four years?

Andrew is now a five year old who is full of life.

When I think of the last four years so much has changed. Andy has blessed us in so many ways.  He has also pushed our creativity with parenting and given us new skills to work with.  There is never a dull moment when this boy is around.

Andy has been so excited for his Gotcha Day and has been counting down the days this week. When I suggested some photos to mark this point in time he was all on board!

This makes me laugh as he looks so serious...wonder what he is thinking about?  Maybe about his birth mother who my heart aches for daily, or a question about adoption which there are more of these days.

He is truly not serious...that was just a is my little China man that I love so much!!

Linking up with Favorite Friday Photo with Lisa.  Lisa has taught me all I know about photography so head on over!

the long road


Gina Kleinworth said...

Oh he warms the heart!!! Love these! What a great day!!

JulieM said...

Happy 4 years ... what a special day to celebrate. It is crazy how fast they grow up. I love the way God knits families together!

amy said...

These are wonderful Terri! Happy family makes me think how fast time goes. He is such a handsome boy. Love these photos and love that he was excited to do them with you. They will be treasured.

Unknown said...

He is such a cutie! You capture him beautifully!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful post!

Hope he had a great Gotcha Day.

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Graphics for Website Background by Sassy Designs