Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Feb here already...where did Jan go. It was a quite month really but then again is it really ever quite here? We were glad to get into routine and even got a couple of snow storms. Today in fact it is freezing outside. Figures since we just planted seeds in the greenhouse. Can't help it last week it was in the 60's here! Kids played outside without socks or shoes. Katie has a serious dislike for socks:) Riley is busy working on his first science fair experiment. Wanted to build a flying car but that was more than his Mom's mind could help him figure out so he will need to do that in the coming years. Big kids went skiing for the first time this year. Now it is back in there blood it seems there will be a couple more trips to come. My sister took me to a ballet for my Christmas present. How fun is that to just be sisters for a night. We almost forgot what it felt like to be together just the two of us. It will be a night I will treasure!

On to the month of love and of course Chinese New Year!


© Prichardsix
Graphics for Website Background by Sassy Designs