Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Our Style of Urban

I took the kids out the other day for an "urban" shoot.  This was an assignment that I had wanted to take Riley out for but he was not into it that day. So I took whoever would agree to go.  This photo of Andy makes me laugh as I am pretty sure one day a sign that says "no parking" will not phase him in the least.  Also, I had wanted to take a teenager for this shoot but in so many ways Andy almost reminds me of a teen!

Then again he really is just a little boy and often looks at the world in a different way or shall we say a better way!

October finds us in the midst of fall madness.  Lots of soccer practice, scouts all the way around, and oh yes a big change for us that I will write about soon.  Today it was very cool outside so I decided I better gather some of my garden in fear of freeze. We ended up
with twelve pie pumpkins this year. I am thinking there will be some pumpkin pie and bread this weekend!

Little by Little


quilt'n-mama said...

Hey friend, catching up on blogs after a crazy few weeks. Loving these pictures of your kids my friend!

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