Saturday, January 31, 2015

January two thousand fifteen in photos

The first month of 2015 is now gone. I am back to trying to take a photo of the day. I love this project when I can complete it. I spend time in the day thinking about our life and what really is important to me.

I want to believe that if I pick up my camera daily I will get better each day and see the world with all of its lines and textures.

I want to capture the moments in life that make us who we are as the kids grow and change so much each day.

I want to remember what makes each member of my family happy or maybe just the dreams we each have.

I want to remember the best times are the little times. The simple times at home together.

Now on to February one month closer to spring!:)


quilt'n-mama said...

Love this post! I haven't been doing a good job keeping up with photos of everyday lately- just life I don't want to miss or forget. I need to get back to work on that! Love your snow pictures, what we would do here for snow!!!! Cold but dry, dry, dry:(
Hope Feb is wonderful friend!

© Prichardsix
Graphics for Website Background by Sassy Designs