Thursday, August 20, 2009

1st Day of Second Grade

Yesterday Riley Lynn started 2nd Grade. How hard is that to believe and yet what an amazing kid he is. His classroom looks like so much fun and so inspiring. We all have to readjust our clocks and ways to getting back on schedule which may be harder for some than others, and yet a schedule again will feel good. You don't get a lot of information out of Riley about how his day was, but yet what you do get is important it seems as he wanted to tell you. I am excited about what the year will bring for him as he learns more about our world and the workings of it. Trying to capture all these moments that seem to disappear so fast.

Next week we will have three more first days of school with Brianna, Katie, and Andy all starting some form of preschool. Andy and Katie will be going for speech which moves to the school now and Brianna for preschool as she has a late summer birthday....I hope Mom makes it through all these "FIRSTS" in one week!


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