Brian and I only currently have one niece and one nephew and they happen to be born three days apart so Oct is fun and busy for us! We started out this last weekend at nephews Sam's 1st birthday. It is so much fun being able to be part of their celebrations and seeing his so precious little face. We call him our Gerber baby.
Riley is on fall break and I am enjoying having him home for awhile!! Brianna and I had a moment the other night that made me even more understand how important it is to take the time to have individual moments with each of the kids. We for the first time in our lives had back to back ballet classes, she would dance first and then I would have my class. What a moment in my life. She told me so was so glad to be with me and "none of those babies"! Don't get me wrong she loves them, but she had a chance to have my undivided attention and it was awesome to hear the way she communicated with me.
LOVE that you dance!
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