Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Yes Sir

Karate is new to this family.  This week the boys moved up from white belts to yellow belts. They were both very excited for this.  Since we have been taking Karate there have been more "yes sirs" around here. Yes even to me:) 

At the end of every lesson is a little speech about "life" lessons.  These make me laugh as Andy can hardly sit through them but one would be surprised that he is actually listening. Amazingly he has told me quit a few life lessons !


Gina Kleinworth said...

That is so cool- they look like they are really enjoying it!

Gina Kleinworth said...

Whoops forgot to answer your question- I do most of my food photography with my nifty fifty because it lets in so much light. However when I want the macros- I use my 75-300mm.

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Graphics for Website Background by Sassy Designs