Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Wednesday: Our week in the life

A different Wednesday for us.  The elementary school kids are off the next couple days due to testing.  Most weeks I clean our house on Wednesday. I have had a set day since we were first married.  It is what is left of my old Type A personality.  Lucky for me I had helpers today! Those bears have been around so very long so very loved!

No I do not think with two casts a child should be on the trampoline. Between the two of them I lost the battle and she was careful she promised me! For me more laundry and cleaning!

They love to look at my Chatbooks with my Instagram photos.  Eventually though we needed a workout and both girls were willing to participate.  

This little one has decided he loves to color. He scoots around until he gets where he wants to be.  A cupboard open is so very common in our house!

A beautiful rain this afternoon meant all my little seeds did not need to be watered!  

I teach five dance classes a week. Next week is our little recital so more practice tonight.  I will never stop loving dance. Cooking not my love but we have to eat.  A simple dinner. Missing Riley who was at soccer practice.

The kids gathered laundry and I wanted to get it folded.  Average for this house is two loads a day.  Usually the kids do dishes but I made them a deal to trade me for a couple other chores I needed done.  Secretly I do like to wash dishes.

I just realized Brian hasn't made any photos yet this week. He is super busy right now at work.  However a little time tonight with his girls!  The big boy is back and reading on his phone.  Reading about the Air Force.

Day three is almost done.  I am loving this project!

See you tomorrow!


© Prichardsix
Graphics for Website Background by Sassy Designs