Tuesday, May 24, 2016

An almost complete season

The month of May is flying by. So many places to be, events to attend, and jobs to do. It is also a season of change.  This week our oldest will graduate from 8th grade.  In small towns this graduation is an event.  Riley started soccer at four and it has become a huge passion of his.  This week they play to see if their team can make it to the championship games.

It is fun to watch him grow his soccer skills. I am very much your imperfect sports mom as I never can figure out the score and I may have missed a goal or two:)  Grateful in high school there will be score board!  I am full of emotions this week. One moving to high school, one more to middle.  They are working on those wings we are trying to help them grow!  Even if I have missed a goal I have still loved this season of his life!


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