My favorite photo of the day. Listening to these two laugh as they brushed teeth then headed to bed. She loves to sleep in the bottom bunk in his room. I love to watch how she moves all her stuff for bed including her alarm clock and blankets to have a sleepover with her brother.
Breakfast on this day was hard boiled eggs from Easter and fruit. Love how the sun is getting up earlier makes it easier for the rest of this group. We tend to eat in shifts on these weekday mornings. Some come up a little later than others.
Everyone is in school and my day with Luke starts then. I am trying to give Luke some little jobs. It is time for him to start on our chore schedule that we have set for kids. He is starting with unloading the dishwasher. The other kids each have one morning that they are responsible to unload the dishwasher before school.
Barre3 for me after cleaning with a little truck running under my legs as Luke played around me. He is always wanting to help in the kitchen. We had made up chili for dinner and now were adding our sopapillas.
My phone photos: 1. A kiss goodbye as I dropped the kids off to school 2. Back home it is cleaning day. If I work hard it takes 3 1/2 hours 3. Andy and Katie after a busy day 4. A book before nap time for Luke 5. He plays for awhile while I clean then joins me to "help" 6. The school bus stop getting ready for the busier part of the day 7. Working on my blog. My favorite place to work is on the ground. 8. The girls are learning to quilt with a dear friend. 9. Dinner almost is ready. Chili and sopapillas are the best 10. Bed for me at 10 with reading until 10:30
Work had to be done tonight so the next job can be started.
Working out is a routine for Brian and Riley. They work out four times a week. Think they both really like these moments in time. Loving this project. It is fun to see my life through my lens and to see how complex it is as well as how the routine and simplicity make up our days.
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